The right to science and freedom of research with scheduled substances

Vienna International Center Wagramer Str. 5, Vienna, Austria

Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Sixty-first session 12-16 March 2018 - Vienna, Austria The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes the right of everyone to "enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications" and demands that states "respect the freedom indispensable for scientific research and creative activity.” It continues that "the steps […]

La sfida dei diritti umani: la guerra alla droga e le uccisioni extragiudiziali continuano

Vienna International Center Wagramer Str. 5, Vienna, Austria

HUMAN RIGHTS CHALLENGE: DRUG WAR EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS CONTINUE La sfida dei diritti umani: la guerra alla droga e le uccisioni extragiudiziali continuano Organized by the DRCNet Foundation, Forum Droghe Onlus, the In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement, Sathi Samuha, Suruwat, the Foundation for Alternative Approaches to Addiction – Think & do tank, the […]

L’ora della cannabis

Mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020 Livestreaming | ore 11-13 | ore 15-20 L'ora della cannabis Hanno sinora assicurato la loro partecipazione: Hassan Bassi, Stefano Cagelli, Mario Catania, Sofia Ciuffoletti, Franco Corleone, Alice Crippa, Alessandro De Pascale, Leonardo Fiorentini, Enrico Fletzer, Jacopo Forconi, Alessio Guidotti, Matteo Mainardi, Luca Marola, Lorenzo Mineo, Stefano Minnucci, Carlo Monaco, Niccolò Moronato, […]

The green wave hits Europe

The green wave hits Europe Recent cannabis regulation initiatives in Europe SIDE EVENT @65th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Tuesday, 15 march | 9am - 9.50am Register now: In the last few years several countries as well as numerous subnational jurisdictions in the Americas have adopted policies to regulate cannabis for non-medical […]