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Bibliografia ragionata

E. Abel, Marihuana, the First Twelve Thousand Years, Plenum Press, 1980

E. Abel, A Marihuana Dictionary, Greenwood Press,1982

Andrews/Vinkenoog, The Book of Grass, Grove Press, 1967

G. Arnao, Erba Proibita, Feltrinelli, 1978

C. Ciapanna, Marijuana e Altre Storie, Ciapanna Editore, 1979

R. Clarke, Marijuana Botany, And/Or Press, 1981

J. Frazier, The Great American Hemp Industry, Solar Age Press, 1991

L. Grinspoon, Marihuana Reconsidered, Harvard University Press, 1971/1994

L. Grinspoon/J. Bakalar, Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine, Yale University Press, 1993

J. Herer, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, HEMP Publishing, 1985/1994

Herer/Brockers/Katalyse, Hanf, Zweitausendeins, 1993

J. Kaplan, Marihuana: the New Prohibition, World Publishing Company, 1970

Marihuana Datebook 1980, And/Or Press, 1979

T. Mikuriya, Marihuana: Medical Papers 1839 - 1972, MediComp Press, 1973

V. Rubin, Cannabis and Culture, Mouton & Co., 1975

D. Salomon, The Marihuana Papers, Panther Books, 1969

Autore: Bernardo Parrella

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